DACE is een onafhankelijke stichting met als missie de constante ontwikkeling van de vakgebieden Cost Engineering en Value Management door de gehele keten heen binnen de procesindustrie, grond-, weg- en waterbouw (GWW) en machinebouw & maakindustrie in Nederland




icec logoDACE is lid van de International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC).
ICEC is de wereldwijde federatie van organisaties voor cost engineering, quantity surveying en project management. 

The International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC) is an nonpolitical and nonprofit organization which was founded in 1976 with the object of promoting cooperation between national and multinational cost engineering, quantity surveying and project management organizations worldwide for their mutual wellbeing and that of their individual members.
ICEC member societies are located in more than 40 countries, and have chapters or sections in many additional countries. Through these chapters and sections, ICEC has access to more than 120,000 cost engineers and project managers in over 120 different nations. Regular ICEC meetings are attended by delegates of the member societies where subjects of common interests are exchanged and discussed. Each member society has one vote on the Council.

For the latest newsletter click here.
Website: www.icoste.org

