Over NAP Lean Project Delivery - A Practical approach to the last planner

NAP Lean Project Delivery - A Practical approach to the last planner

As one of the processes in the lean approach, Last Planner has proved a highly effective tool in reducing time and cost on projects and providing greater certainty, but it has nog been widely used in our industry. Join us to learn how you can significantly reduce lead time and costs in your construction project management delivery system trough the use of collaberative ways of working and lean project delivery. Now is the time to embrace alternative approaches that will result ini happy owners, contractors suppliers and employees.


In addition to standard presentation delivery, participants will have the opportunity to be involved in "Villego", a hands on simulation that helps you to understand how to build safer, faster, better, cheaper and more predictably in comparison to traditional/currant ways of project management (see www.villego.com for more information)


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